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Little Glastonboro Strikes Again!



Another amazing year, Little Glastonboro 2023 - you will be one to remember.

Unlike last years torrential rain, we were blessed with clear skies (only after 2pm, unfortunately) which carried on through the entirety of the night.

You know that great feeling when you entering a concert or festival and the music has started to vibrate your soul, your itching for a boogie and the sun is shining... well that's how this event went, especially considering you could hear the music from as far as the bottom of Todmorden Road to the top of Shore Road, what a way to make those few unlucky locals jealous!

I would like to make a huge shoutout and thank each and every one of the amazing entertainers who came and put 100% into their performances, we have heard nothing but glowing feedback on the day and since, you will all be tough acts to follow for LGB 2024.

Please feel free to head over to our Facebook page and leave us some comments about your favourite acts! We love hearing about everyone's experience.

Apart from one act - BOOMIN' who broke down on their way to the event, we were so upset and not for the sake of the event, but that all our lovely festival goers missed out on such a high energy party band, they would have had you lot standing on your decking chairs - never mind sitting in them!! On second thoughts, maybe it was a blessing in disguise they broke down haha. Seriously though, we aim to have this incredibly talented band back for you all, hopefully.

As well as the brilliant entertainment for the adults, the children had face paint stalls, bouncy castles, inflatables - oh, all sorts! We hope this helped keep the little jumping beans occupied long enough for you parents to enjoy each aspect of the day.

The food, OH LORD, the food. Is anyone else still reminiscing over their stone baked pizza?! For the love of god, what did they put in those thangs! Don't even get me started on the fried chicken, special fried rice and noodles... the only crying shame is not being able to try EVERY food stall, including the burger stall, butty van and Bombay Brew, but next year you're all on my bucket list.

A special thank you to everyone at Littleborough Cricket Club and the Little Glastonboro team for making this day what it was.

We could never forget our lovely sponsors, we are so grateful for the opportunity you provide for us to make this day switch from a possibility to a reality.... thank you.


Don't forget that the Super Early Bird offer for Little Glastonboro 2024 is now on sale! For the next seven days, you an secure tickets at our lowest price, please don't miss out on this opportunity.

Keep your eyes peeled as pictures will shortly follow.

Cheers to Little Glastonboro 2023! It's been a pleasure, as always.

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